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Moving Pictures

Death List 10.1 [1]

From the book by Terry Pratchett
A Ridcully the Brown Production

(fade in)

Goddes and men said it was notte to be, but I would notte listen!
A storie of deth that bridges spaes and tyme!
Thys maye shok you!
With a 1,000 elephants!

Scene 1: Definitely died - on page

Scene 2: Definitely died - off page (ie referred to by someone)

Scene 3: Death toll?

The End

(fade to black)

Starring: (in order of appearance)

Deccan Ribobe as himself
Tento as himself
"Numbers" Riktor as himself
A bloke in Ankh as himself
Achmed the Mad as himself
Uncle Oswald as himself
Yeti 1 as itself
Yeti 2 as itself
Screenplay: Ridcully the Brown
Assistant Producer: Ridcully the Brown
Executive Producer: Ridcully the Brown
Director: Ridcully the Brown

[1] The Directors Cut

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Death Lists compiled by Ridcully the Brown
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